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Peer-reviewed journal articles:


  1. Boarnet, Marlon G, Hong, Andy, Santiago-Bartolomei, Raul. 2017. Urban spatial structure, employment subcenters, and freight travel.  Journal of Transport Geography. 60: 267-276 (doi: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2017.03.007)  – Impact Factor: 2.93

  2. Kim, Dohyung, Park, JiYoung, Hong, Andy. 2017. The role of destination's built environment on nonmotorized travel behavior: A case of Long Beach, California. Journal of Planning Education and Research (doi: 10.1177/0739456X16688765) – Impact Factor: 1.38

  3. Hong, Andy, Boarnet, Marlon G., Houston, Douglas. 2016. New light rail transit and active travel: A longitudinal study. Transportation Research Part A, 92: 131-144 (doi: 10.1016/j.tra.2016.07.005) – Impact Factor: 2.99 (Most downloaded articles in the last 90 days: 1/2017 - 5/2017)

  4. Hong, Andy, Schweitzer, Lisa, Marr, Lindsey, Yang, Wan. 2015. Impact of temporary freeway closure on regional air quality: A lesson from Carmageddon in Los Angeles, United States. Environmental Science and Technology, 49(5): 3211–3218 (doi: 10.1021/es505185c)  Impact Factor: 6.2

  5. Hong, Andy. 2014. Do attitudes moderate the built environment impact on bicycle commuting? Findings from the 2009 National Household Travel Survey of the United States. Korean Local Administration Review, 11(2): 155-172.

  6. Hong, E. Andy and Bae, C.-H Christine. 2012. Exposure of bicyclists to air pollution in Seattle, Washington: Hybrid analysis using personal monitoring and land use regression. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2270: 59-66 (doi: 10.3141/2270-08) Impact Factor: 0.77

Manuscripts under review:


  1. Hong, Andy, Sallis, James F., King, Abby C., Conway, Terry, Saelens, Brian, Cain, Kelli, Frank, Lawrence. Linking green space to social capital in older adults: The role of perceived safety (under review in Social Science and Medicine).

  2. Hong, Andy. Impact of shift from car to light rail on air pollution exposure: An experimental study. (under submission in Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment).

Research reports:


  1. Hong, Andy. CitySensor: Development and pilot testing of urban environmental sensor using open-source hardware and software. Final report to the USC Graduate School, 2016.

  2. Hong, Andy, and Boarnet, Marlon, The Expo Light Rail Line: A context to examine how the urban environment is associated with physical activity. USC Lusk Center for Real Estate, 2013.

  3. Bae, C.-H Christine, Hong, Andy, Developing a methodology to measure and analyze bicyclist exposure to black carbon emissions: A pilot study. The Korea Transport Institute, Ilsan, Korea, 2011.

  4. Ginger, Noa, Hong, Andy, Murphy, John, Rose, Danielle, Schmiedeskamp, Peter, Snypp, Amanda, Torikai, Eiji, Bicycling planning, best practices, and count methodology. Puget Sound Regional Council, Seattle, 2010.

  5. Benson, Diana, Brey, Greg, Hong, Andy, Snypp, Amanda, Shoreline southeast subarea implementation strategy: Shoreline bicycle wayfinding. Northwest Center for Livable Communities, University of Washington, Seattle, 2010.

  6. Hong, Andy, Green transportation: the role of grassroots organizations in Seattle. In C.-H Christine Bae and Dana Spindler (eds.), Green growth: The case of Seattle. Korea Research Institute for Human Settlement, Seoul, 2010.

Working papers:

  1. Hong, Andy and Chakrabarti, Sandip. Transit in the age of shared mobility: Are ride-sharing and public transit mutually supportive? (Data collection and analysis phase).

  2. Hong, Andy and Zhang, Wenwen. Health and equity implications of autonomous vehicles: A population-based modeling approach (Model development and analysis phase).

  3. Hong, Andy and Chakrabarti, Sandip. Beyond transit access: Developing a transit desirability index using publicly available data and machine learning techniques (Data collection and analysis phase).

  4. Hong, Andy, Phan, Nhathai, and Dou, Dejing. Top-down or bottom-up? Difference between theory-based models and deep learning models for behavior prediction in health social networks (Data analysis phase).

  5. Hong, Andy, Lee, Kangpyo, and Hong, Chang-Yu. Do urban planners collaborate with data scientists? Social network analysis using bibliometric data (Data collection and analysis phase).

  6. Hong, Andy, Kim, Hyungkyoo, and Chin, Seungwoo. Commute travel and avoidance behavior during episodes of high air pollution in Seoul, Korea (Data collection and analysis phase).

Book chapters in progress:

  1. Hong, Andy. Environmental Benefits of Active Transportation. In Dr. Richard Larouche (Ed.), Children's Active Transportation. Cambridge, UK: Elsevier (in progress, slated for publication in 2018).

Book proposal in progress:


  1. Healthy Mobility: Redefining Transportation's Role for Health, Wellbeing, and Equity (co-authorship with Sandip Chakrabarti and Jiangping Zhou), Cambridge, UK: Elsevier (book proposal in preparation).

Manuscripts scheduled for submission:


  1. Hong, Andy, Kim, Byoungjun, and Widener, Michael. Noise and the City: Spatiotemporal relationship between urban development and environmental noise using crowd-sourced 311 data (Manuscript partially completed, scheduled for submission to Environment and Planning A in Spring 2018).

  2. Hong, Andy and Frank, Lawrence D. Neighborhood walkability, driving, and sedentary behavior in mid-size Canadian Cities. (Manuscript completed and under internal review, scheduled for submission to Transportation Research Part A in Spring 2018).

  3. Frank, Lawrence D, Iroz-Elardo, Nicole, Hong, Andy, MacLeod, Kara E. The pathways from the built environment to health: A review of new evidence. (Manuscript completed and under internal review, scheduled for submission to Environmental Health in Summer 2018).

  4. Hong, Andy, Fruin, Scott, and Ratnam, Suresh. Effect of open streets events in Los Angeles on local air quality (Manuscript completed and under internal review, scheduled for submission to the Science of the Total Environment in Summer 2018).

  5. Kang, Hyewon, Hong, Andy, and Kim, Rosa. Impact of urban and rural living on social engagement and cognitive decline in older adults: Results from the Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging. (Manuscript partially completed, scheduled for submission to Journal of Aging and Health in Summer 2018).

© 2017 Andy Hong All rights reserved

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